Frequently Asked Questions ?

             Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q.1 Why do I see these following ~Errors~ ?
a) [14:11] *** Connecting to
     [14:11] *** Connected
     [14:11] Sorry you have temp ban with remaining time: 3 min 39 sec
     Nick: gyzie
     Reason: IP: [ ] is out of range
     Banned by: Popeye

Ans:  This error is primarily beacause, you may have not suscribed to this DC service with your package OR you are not Authorized to use Popeye Hub . Please contact your ISP for more details.

b) [14:11] *** Searching is disabled in passive mode!
Ans. Make Changes in you DC software connection settings as shown in following link:

c) [14:11] ***MainChat is currently disabled for your Profile!
Ans. Mainchat is allowed only for REG+ TAG and above TAGS, for which u will have to share 100 GB in hub. If you have shared 100 GB, Please register yourself:
 In main chat type :  !regme<space><DesiredPassword>
Example: !regme 123456

d) Could not open the Target file system! (Appears on Progress bar while Downloading Anything)
Ans. This is caused due to less Disk Space in your hardisk. OR If the path specified for Incomplete/Complete Downloads does not exists.

e)    [14:11] *** Incorrect Password.
      [14:11] *** Connecting to
      [14:11] *** Connected
      [14:11] Sorry you have temp ban with remaining time: 3 min 39 sec
     Nick: gyzie
     Reason: IP: Incorrect Password !
     Banned by: Popeye

 Ans: This can happen due to following reasons:-

1.> The Nick-Name you chose, was already registered from someone else and he/she has kept own password to that Nick-Name.

2.> You have Entered wrong/Forgotten your Password, because you didnot care to store the password in FavoriteHub menu properties.

Solution: Choose a different Nickname and Password and save the settings and restart DC software to apply those changes.

f) [21:11:31] *** Connecting to
[21:11:52] *** A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

 Ans: This error occurs when:
1.> Cable is not connected.
2.> No Electricity.
3.> Wifi router is not connected or is switched off.
4.> You did not dial your internet first before connecting to hub.
5.> Hub is down for maintenance.
6.> Network switch is turned off in your buliding.
7.> Your LAN / WiFi Card is disabled.
8.> You have not configured DC++ settings properly.

g.) [21:17:18] *** Connecting to
     [21:17:18] *** Connected
     [21:17:19] *** Stored password sent...
    [21:17:21] *** *** Your share is outside the limits for your Profile. Min share is [ 150.00 GB ].

Ans. You were Previously assigned a TAG (Star=150GB), and now when you are connected, you have not maintained that Minimum share size before connecting to hub again. This may have arise due to UN-plugged USB External Hardisk drive.
Relocation of data in the shared drive. Please Re-Share your data in DC-Settings and Restart DC software to apply those settings.

h.) [21:54:06] Your hubs/slots ratio outside the limit. Maximum        allowed ratio is 1/5
     [21:54:06] *** Connection closed

Ans. Go to DC Settings >> Select "Sharing" TAB from left >> See below Upload Slots Menu >> Increase the number to 5.

i.) [21:54:06]Your hubs count is higher than allowed 2 hubs.
21:54:06] *** Connection closed

Ans. This error comes when you are connected to other Public hubs also.( mostly default ones, which saved in Apex DC).

Solution:- Just disconnect those hubs, before connecting to Popeye hub, then you will not get this error. Also, delete those default, hubs in Favorites Menu (Golden Star Icon). To avoid getting connected to them again at start.
Q.2 How to Play CS in LAN or What is CS IP 123.456.789.111 ?
Ans: When you see cs ip 123.456.789.111:27015  like this, it means, some one has hosted a CS server and wants you to join this server to play with others.
To Join such CS server:
1.> Start Counter strike game 
2.> Press ~ KEY (just above tab) to open a command window.
3.> Type: connect 123.456.789.111:27015 and hit Enter. you will soon join the server and play the game.

Q.3  How do I remove Passive Mode ? ([14:11] *** Searching is disabled in passive mode!)
 Ans: Make Changes in you DC software connection settings as shown in following link:

Q.4 Why is my Search Not Working ? OR Cant get File list of Anyone ?
Ans: You may be in Passive mode (Refer previous Question) or You have not allowed DC software to pass through your Antivirus Firewall or Windows Firewall.
Firstly Select Direct Connection in DC Connection Settings and close it, 
1.>  Go to Control panel.
2.> Click Windows Firewall.
3.> Select "Exceptions" (windows XP)  or "Allow a program through Firewall" (Windows 7 / Vista).
4.> Browse for the .exe file, For Example (ApexDC.exe) and Tick mark in front of it. ( Windows 7 users will tick under Public and private both ).
5.> Save settings and also restart DC software.

Q.5 Why does Popeye Hub Disconnects every now and then ?
Ans: Its Normal, After every 2GB of UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD, Your Internet connection will disconnect to avoid network traffic. DC software will reconnect itself after few seconds to continue downloads/uploads.

Q.6 How to Join / Un-join a Custom Chat Room(buy-sell, CounterStrike, FIFA) ?
Ans: To join any of above Chat-Rooms:
1.> Right click on a room name from User's List(right pane).
2.> Click Private Message(PM).
3.> Type: !chatjoin to join the chat room.
4.> Type: !chatpart to Leave the chat room.
You will be notified for success soon after these commands.